Nocturne n°7 — Boredom
Nocturne n°7 — Boredom
· ☕ 1 min read

Nocturne n°7 in C major
Music: Rex Potam

ISRC FR-9W1-25-00734

· ☕ 1 min read

A few minutes of winterly ambient music.

Music: Rex Potam

ISRC FR-9W1-25-00678

Christmas Eve
Christmas Eve
· ☕ 1 min read

A small Christmas music.
Music: Rex Potam

ISRC FR-9W1-24-65858

When I am Dead
When I am Dead
· ☕ 1 min read

Lyrics: Christina Rossetti (1830–1894)
Music: Rex Potam

When I am Dead is purposefully composed in a quaint style, akin to last century classical songs or lieds, that matches the lyrics poetry.

ISRC FR-9W1-24-57247

Beat the Beast
Beat the Beast
· ☕ 2 min read

Lyrics et music: Rex Potam

Beat the Beast is a rock song (somewhere between pop-rock and progressive). It is the story of a couple “somewhat” dysfunctional, of a love affair becoming something more brutal.

Guitars: Éric Grenu
Bass guitar: Jérémie Vinet
Mastering: Cyril Dabas

ISRC FR-9W1-24-44039

Sonata n°2 for piano
Sonata n°2 for piano
· ☕ 1 min read

Sonata n°2 for piano in C minor
Music: Rex Potam

ISRC FR-9W1-24-25359

La Chanson de Prévert
La Chanson de Prévert
· ☕ 1 min read

Lyrics and music: Serge Gainsbourg | Adaptation: Rex Potam

ISRC FR-9W1-24-20383

Une rose dans un cahier
Une rose dans un cahier
· ☕ 2 min read

Paroles et musique : Rex Potam

This song is in French. It is about our first loves, childhood loves, precious hoards we keep buried in our heart.

ISRC FR-9W1-24-09398

Trois gouttes de pluie
Trois gouttes de pluie
· ☕ 2 min read

Paroles et musique : Rex Potam

This song, in French, starts seemingly innocent lyrics.

But the second part is about people who have inappropriate ways to approach kids. Happily, mummy is around and saves the hour.

ISRC FR-9W1-24-09397

· ☕ 2 min read

Paroles et musique : Rex Potam

This song is in French. It means Fear. It is about evening fears young children may experience once the bedroom door is closed.

ISRC FR-9W1-24-09396

Serenade n.1 for melodica
Serenade n.1 for melodica
· ☕ 2 min read

Serenade n.1 for melodica in C minor

The melodica is accompanied by the piano.

Music: Rex Potam
Full score | Soloist score

ISRC FR-9W1-23-70376

This Serenade was composed in the fall of 2023, while I was getting acquainted to the melodica and was learning to play it. My aim was to have a piece large enough with a piano accompaniment.

La Marmotte
La Marmotte
· ☕ 1 min read

Lyrics: Sophie Makhno
Music: Rex Potam

ISRC FR-9W1-23-70373